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Shreya Sharma's Journey as a Top Interior Designer and Architect in Faridabad

Shreya Sharma, the visionary behind Dzign Tales, took time to fully realize that design was her true calling. Coming from a country with limited tools or assessments to gauge one’s skills and interests in creative fields, it was a challenge for her to figure out her path. The conventional career options—doctor, engineer, lawyer—never resonated deeply with her. She had explored various subjects, but none sparked the passion she was searching for.

The moment of realization, however, came unexpectedly at the age of 25 when Shreya Sharma had the opportunity to design her own house. This was not just a new home, it was a deeply immersive experience that allowed her to explore her creative instincts. Through the process of selecting furniture, materials, and textures, and paying close attention to every small detail, Shreya Sharma discovered that she had a natural eye for design and an innate ability to create aesthetically pleasing arrangements.

Reflecting on her childhood, Shreya Sharma recognized that the signs had always been there. She had spent countless hours observing the beautiful houses around her, admiring their architecture, gardens, and the use of different materials like stone and wood to create visually stunning spaces. Although she didn’t realize it at the time, these details had captivated her from an early age.

Realizing Her Passion for Design

That pivotal moment of working on her own house ignited a spark in Shreya Sharma. It was a moment of clarity when she realized that design was not just a fleeting interest or hobby; it was her passion and what she wanted to pursue professionally. This was not an easy decision. Shreya Sharma had already completed an undergraduate degree in Economics, followed by a Master's in the same field. Choosing design felt like a significant departure from her academic background. Nevertheless, her love for spaces, architecture, and the ability to create beauty through design compelled her to take the leap.

Shreya Sharma decided to pursue formal education in design and enrolled in the Master of Design (M.Des) program at Ansal University, where she was awarded a 50% scholarship. Under the mentorship of Mike Knowler, Shreya Sharma refined her raw talent and explored projects that were both academically rigorous and creatively fulfilling. The hands-on, onsite experiences she gained during her studies further solidified her passion for design, as she worked on real-world projects that deepened her understanding of the industry.

The Beginning of Her Professional Journey

Upon completing her studies, Shreya Sharma was fortunate to work on large-scale projects right from the start. Her first major project was a 27,000-square-foot farmhouse in Soha, near Ambala. The project involved intricate detailing of curves and historical shapes while maintaining the structural integrity of the interior. It was a challenging but invaluable learning experience, allowing Shreya Sharma to experiment with various materials and styles, expanding her design capabilities.

In one of many coming years, she worked on a project in Sector 15, where the client presented an already planned building and elevation. Shreya Sharma’s task was to harmonize the design elements and create a cohesive, visually appealing space. This project emphasized transformation—taking an existing structure and elevating it with thoughtful design changes. Through this experience, Shreya Sharma learned the importance of collaboration and communication with her clients.

Another significant challenge arose in Sector 21A, where Shreya Sharma was tasked with transforming a 500-square-yard OYO-owned building into a three-bedroom home. The project required precision in retaining the first-floor slab while completely restructuring the ground floor to meet the client’s vision. This complex project taught Shreya Sharma valuable lessons about structural integrity, functional design, and creative problem-solving.

Building Her Team and Establishing Her Design Philosophy

In the early days of her career, Shreya Sharma started our journey with a single person—handling every aspect of design from client meetings to execution. As her portfolio grew, so did her team. Today, Shreya Sharma leads a team of 10 talented individuals, each bringing unique skills and perspectives. She fosters a collaborative environment, encouraging the exchange of ideas and ensuring that her team shares the same passion for each project.

For Shreya Sharma, teamwork is more than a division of labor; it's about synergy. She maintains a close connection with her team, ensuring her vision, thoughts, and energy are passed down to each member. This alignment allows the team to work together with the same level of dedication and love for the craft.

A key element of Shreya Sharma’s design philosophy is her deep understanding of her clients—not merely their tastes in color, style, or layout, but also their emotions, lifestyle, and vision for their space. She recognizes that every client is unique, and for her, each project is a chance to craft something truly distinctive. Shreya Sharma's designs go beyond aesthetics, offering a harmonious blend of visual beauty and personal meaning, creating spaces that not only captivate the eye but also resonate with the soul.

Design and Mental Health: The Impact of Interiors on Well-Being

One of the foundational beliefs that drives Shreya Sharma’s approach to design is her strong advocacy for mental health and the crucial role interiors play in fostering well-being. Over the years, Shreya Sharma has recognized that the environments we live in significantly affect our emotional and mental states. As an interior designer, she sees it as her responsibility not just to create beautiful spaces but to design environments that contribute to her clients’ mental well-being.

Shreya Sharma believes that thoughtful, well-designed spaces can promote peace, reduce stress, and even foster healing. Natural materials, strategic lighting, calming color palettes, and the careful arrangement of spaces can help to create environments that soothe the mind. Whether it's a home that provides a retreat from the world or an office that enhances focus and productivity, Shreya Sharma's designs are crafted to support emotional balance and well-being.

Her design philosophy incorporates elements that influence mood—such as the flow of natural light, the presence of greenery, and the use of textures that evoke a sense of warmth and comfort. Shreya Sharma understands that people experience spaces on multiple levels, and she aims to create homes that not only function well but also provide an oasis of calm and restoration amidst the demands of daily life.

This belief was particularly highlighted in a project where Shreya Sharma designed a home for the Green family. The family has a special needs child, and Shreya Sharma’s design was driven by the idea of creating a nurturing, peaceful environment for both the child and the parents. The design choices—such as quiet, sensory-friendly spaces, smooth transitions between rooms, and a soothing color scheme—were made with the family’s emotional and mental well-being in mind.

Trust and Creative Freedom: The Foundations of Her Work

One of the most rewarding aspects of Shreya Sharma’s journey as a designer has been the trust she has cultivated with her clients. Design is a deeply personal experience, and when clients entrust Shreya Sharma with their homes, they are giving her a piece of their lives. The creative freedom her clients grant her speaks volumes about the trust they place in her. They trust her instincts, vision, and ability to transform their spaces into homes they will cherish.

Shreya Sharma does not take this trust lightly. It drives her to give her best in every project, ensuring that she honors her clients' faith in her abilities. She views every project as personal, treating each space as if it were her own. This approach allows her to pour her heart and soul into every design, ensuring the final product is a true reflection of her dedication.

Designing for Healing and Peace

As Shreya Sharma’s career has evolved, she has come to realize that design is not just about creating beautiful spaces—it’s about creating environments that foster peace, healing, and well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, Shreya Sharma believes that the spaces we live in play a critical role in our mental and emotional health. Her goal is to create homes that offer tranquility and serve as a refuge from the stresses of daily life.

By incorporating elements such as natural light, open spaces, and materials that evoke warmth and serenity, Shreya Sharma’s designs help her clients reconnect with themselves. Her spaces are not just functional—they provide mental and emotional clarity, helping people feel grounded and at peace.

Each space Shreya Sharma designs reflects the people who will live there, meeting their functional and emotional needs. She strives to create homes that are not only visually stunning but also offer an oasis of calm in an otherwise chaotic world.

Looking Ahead: Continuing to Grow and Learn

Shreya Sharma’s journey as a designer has been fulfilling, but she knows there is still much more to learn. Design is ever-evolving, and Shreya Sharma is committed to continuing her education through formal courses, workshops, and learning from her team and peers.

Grateful for every project, challenge, and client, Shreya Sharma reflects on her journey with pride. Each experience has shaped her into the designer she is today. For her, design is not just a career but a way of life—a lens through which she views the world where beauty, functionality, and mental well-being harmoniously coexist. Shreya Sharma, along with her team at Dzign Tales, is excited to continue creating spaces that inspire, heal, and bring joy to those who live in them.